Pink Lady Ultra Fine on HO scale track

What size stone should I use for my Scale?

What size is appropriate for your scale?  We don’t list scales on our packaging for many reasons.  First of all, what is it being used for?  If you are looking for ballast for HO, that doesn’t help someone in miniatures looking for landscaping stone for 1/4 inch scale.  Our products are being used for model railroads, dollhouses, warhammer, farm dioramas, and many other hobbies.  Even within a particular hobby, such as the model railroads, the stone could be used for ballast, landscaping, rooftops, loads or even building roads.

Here is some information that could help you decide what size you need for your particular application.

What are the screen sizes used?  The screens we use will produce particles in the following ranges and are listed by the size (grades) that we use on our labels.

Ultra Fine Grade < .033″

Very Fine Grade .033″ – .062″

Fine .062″ – .125″

Coarse .125″ – .25″

Which one is appropriate for ballast on my model railroad?

The following calculations are based on a “real life” stone size of 2″.  These are only suggestions and the final decision on what looks good to you is entirely up to you.

N scale = .01″            Ultra Fine

HO scale = .02″        Ultra Fine

S Scale = .03″            Ultra Fine – Very Fine

O scale = .04″            Very Fine

1:35 Scale = .06         Very Fine – Fine

G Scale = .09             Fine

Again, these are only suggestions.  We have found that most people don’t use the “accurate” grade for their scale.  For instance, many HO scale modelers prefer to use Very Fine for their ballast because they find it more pleasing to the eye.  We want you to find what works best for you.

Another suggestion is to use two different sizes in your ballast.  Use a larger size for falling down away from your tracks and a smaller size for in-between the rails with just a small amount of the larger size in-between as well.  This will give your track bed a more realistic look.

How about top dressing or using different colors in different areas?  Real railroads go back and top dress as the rock wears down and they re-level the track.  Many times, the top-dressed stone is a different color than the base.  Railroads will use what is local and convenient, so different areas will also have different colors.  I hope this helps you decide what will work best for you.

Check out our facebook page for more ideas.



Building a blacktop road

How to build a blacktop or asphalt road for miniature models.

How did you build the road?  That is one of the questions asked when people see our displays at shows.  Here I am going to explain how to build a blacktop or asphalt driveway or road.  I would also recommend that you read through the instuctions, have your materials ready, and practice on a sample board before going to your project.

  1.  In order to keep your road at a uniform thickness, you will need to stike it.  Therefore use some type of material to form the edges of the roadway, such as thin strips of wood.
  2. Fill the formed in area with your stone material, in this case, Superior Scenics black lava in the ultra fine grade.  Strike off the material to grade.
  3. Using a very fine atomized spritz sprayer, completely dampen the material with a water and liquid dish soap mix.  Use only a couple drops of dish soap.  You do not want bubbles. Do not skip this step.  It prepares the material for the application of glue.
  4. Make a 50/50 mixture of Elmer’s white glue and water.  Add a couple drops of liquid dish soap to the 50/50 mix.  It works well to have this mixture in a glue bottle.
  5. Carefully apply the glue mixture holding the bottle near, but not touching, the stone material.  Apply at a very slow flow, or even individual drips at a time.
  6. You will have applied enough glue when it starts to look a little milky.  You will see the glue rise a little and then settle, but be careful that it doesn’t start to flow out the sides.
  7. If you have used a little too much glue, and it does run out the sides, or puddles on the surface, you can let it sit for some time to allow the glue to soak in and settle.
  8. I recommend that you add a very light, even dusting of additional stone across the entire surface.  You do not want to make piles.
  9. For the next step, you will need wax paper and a roller.  A pizza roller works well.  Cover the area you are working on with a piece of wax paper.  With the roller in hand, lightly roll the top of the wax paper, to get a nice, even roadway.  Do not press hard.
  10. Gently remove the wax paper.  If the wax paper sticks to the material, use a small putty knife to free the material from the wax paper.  The purpose of step 8 is so prevent the wax paper from sticking to the product.  If needed, repeat step 8 through 10.
  11. Remove your forms before the glue dries.  I use an x-acto knife to accomplish this.

Additional Tips:

If you want a more aged look, you can apply another light dusting of stone material and roll it in to the roadbed again.  Do this while the material is slightly damp and still tacky.

If you want it to look new, wait till the product is completely dry.  Dampen lightly with water and soap mix.  Then go back over it with the glue & water mix.  Painting it on using a small paint brush works well.  This will darken the color to make it look like “new” asphalt.

Check out our facebook page for more ideas.

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